Discover the Canadian Blockchain Consortium’s New ESG Committee

Alexis Pappas
5 min readJan 17, 2023


Leaders in Canada’s climate fintech, sustainable development, and ESG data sectors are uniting to support the role of blockchain innovation.

Committee Co-Chair Derrek Wenisch, Chair Alexis Pappas, and Projects Director James Graham

I’ve been lucky to connect with many inspiring people in Canada’s blockchain ecosystem. I’m excited that after years of aligning on common values and visions, 2023 is the right time to launch an ESG Committee at the Canadian Blockchain Consortium that brings these great minds together to collaborate on ways that blockchain can support our progress towards a truly sustainable world.

Why is blockchain such an important enabling technology for ESG? One of the biggest challenges we currently face with areas like sustainable development, carbon accounting and credits, and managing the heavy social cost of emissions is trust — the greenwashing and errors we risk with the fragmented, manual and unverified ways we currently manage our ESG data mean that it’s hard to be confident in our progress.

These systems also need to be automated to scale to the massive volumes of data from disparate sources we need to collect to understand and manage our climate impact, and we urgently need new and trusted financial models to incentivize behavioral changes, value ecosystem services like clean water, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration, and create a global economy that rewards proven sustainability for products and services.

From decentralized data networks to smart contracts and tokens, blockchain technologies show tremendous promise in being a foundational part of that new economy, and at the ESG Committee, we’re excited to explore these ideas and collaborate with government, industry, and international organizations to support blockchain’s role as the digital infrastructure than can help us realize a better future.

During 2023, we’ll be holding informative events, conducting research, participating in real-world projects, and publishing a landmark study on how blockchain can support Canada’s UN Sustainable Development Goals and ambitious 2050 net zero commitment. Each of our committee members brings a unique perspective and wealth of ESG experience, and I couldn’t be more honored to be its chair and collaborate with this great team. It’s exciting to take the inspiring discussions we’ve had at events and meetings and turn them into meaningful action — and I hope you enjoy meeting our talented initial members below.

Derrek Wenisch, Co-Chair: Senior Business Development Manager, Vantage Circle

Humanity is at an inflection point regarding sustainability and innovation. Blockchain and related technologies continue to be at the intersection. Forward-thinking organizations are identifying new opportunities to drive positive change. The Canadian Blockchain Consortium, its ESG Committee and associated members will support, collaborate, and promote the impactful work in the Blockchain-ESG ecosystem. We look forward to working with, advocating for and advancing Canadian and International organizations pioneering positive change in the space and working to create a more sustainable tomorrow”.

James Graham, Projects Director: CEO, GuildOne

“The global community’s urgent efforts to manage negative ESG impacts like emissions need to be scalable and standardized across counterparties, borders, and financial markets, which will take a transformation in how we manage data. Blockchain infrastructure and applications are the future, and as the Projects Portfolio Manager for the ESG Committee, I’m looking forward to supporting the technology’s implementation in Alberta emissions reduction projects and helping build the ecosystem we need to accelerate measurable climate action.”

Manavi Garg at the Blockchain Research Institute W3B Summit

Manavi Garg, Partnerships Strategy: Head of Strategic Partnerships, dClimate

“I’m excited to join the ESG Committee with the Consortium and its mission to promote and educate about the use and benefits of blockchain technology for our planet’s climate and biodiversity. We collaborate with both private and public sector institutions to advance climate and sustainability efforts through blockchain and innovation, which is needed now more than ever when traditional systems are making slower progress than is needed for rapid climate action.”

Reconnecting with Dan at the Canadian Blockchain Consortium’s annual conference

Dan Rickard, Innovation Strategist: Chief Innovation Officer, Nature’s Vault

“Tracking the ESG impact of a project is becoming an important data set that the public wants access to. However, it is not just about seeing the data, it is also critical that the public trusts the data. If a company makes a specific claim about the ESG impact of a project, the data that was used to make that claim must be verifiable and trusted.The blockchain is a perfect solution for tracking the lifecycle of ESG data and will help to ensure that real ESG projects are meeting their obligations and having a positive real-world impact.

I am excited to be a part of the Canadian Blockchain Consortium’s ESG Committee and help design a blockchain framework that can be applied to ensure ESG projects are meeting their commitments. The world needs real change, and the trusted data to prove that change is happening.”

One of the many amazing strategy sessions with Luticia Miller

Luticia Miller, Industry Outreach: CEO, NineIrons Solutions

“Our dynamic ESG environment and burgeoning climate economy demand a level of transparency, validity, and credibility to ensure public faith and investor confidence. Blockchain affords the proof of provenance and traceability required to materialize the full potential of positive impact of ESG efforts and initiatives.”

We’re thrilled to have the support of Koleya Karringten, the Executive Director of the Canadian Blockchain Consortium, in aligning our activities with the organization’s other committees such as Fintech, Inclusion, and Government Advocacy. After decades as an entrepreneur in Alberta’s cleantech industry, she brings a strong background in technology commercialization and financing, and she and the Consortium’s Vice President Jade Alberts will be instrumental in supporting our events and activities.

Koleya Karringten getting ready for the first day at the Canadian Blockchain Symposium

As for myself as Chair of the committee, I believe that helping to overcome our world’s massive challenges in understanding our true environmental impact and create infrastructure that will support our long-term sustainability is the highest value for blockchain technology. I’m thrilled to be collaborating with such a talented and innovative group on projects, publications, and events that will enhance its impact.

With our first webinar on blockchain and sustainability planned for early February, and research underway on our first major publication, it’s going to be a high-impact first year for the committee, and we’re looking forward to connecting with other values-aligned ESG experts and making a positive contribution to our national climate efforts.

Learn more about the ESG Committee and keep updated on our activities at:



Alexis Pappas

Thoughts on consciousness, blockchain, and our digital future. CIO at GuildOne and ED of the Canadian Blockchain Association for Women. Tweet @alexisgpappas